


Calling a Void Method With Parameters

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Calling a Void Method With Parameters: AP Computer Science A Study Guide


Welcome to the exciting world of calling void methods with parameters! 🌐 If you ever wanted to command your computer like a wizard with a wand, this is your ticket. Let’s dive in and learn how these powerful incantations—um, I mean methods—work.

The Magic of Methods

In the wonderful world of Java, methods are like the spells of Hogwarts. 🧙‍♂️ They perform specific tasks when called upon. A void method is a type of method that completes its task without returning any value. It's like a chef who cooks a meal but doesn't take a bite themselves. Now, let's crank up the complexity by adding parameters to these methods. Think of parameters as the secret ingredients that make each spell (method) unique. With parameters, you can create a method that behaves differently based on the input it receives.

Writing and Calling Methods with Parameters

A method with parameters is like a customizable pizza (yum! 🍕). You decide the toppings (parameters), and the method whips up something special each time. Here’s a recipe for writing one:

Imagine you have a method to print the perimeter of a rectangle. The method signature looks a lot like a constructor signature, with the method name followed by parameters in parentheses:

public static void printRectanglePerimeter(double length, double width) {
    double perimeter = 2 * (length + width);
    System.out.println("The perimeter is: " + perimeter);

To call this method, you just need to specify the toppings—I mean, the parameters:

printRectanglePerimeter(5.0, 7.5);  // Outputs: The perimeter is: 25.0

Overloading Methods

Overloading methods is a bit like having a multi-functional super gadget 🛠️. By using different sets of parameters (like different attachments), you can have the same method name perform different tasks. Here’s how overloading works:

// Overloaded methods
public static void printRectanglePerimeter(double side) {
    double perimeter = 4 * side;
    System.out.println("The perimeter of the square is: " + perimeter);

public static void printRectanglePerimeter() {
    System.out.println("No shape exists!");

When you call these methods, Java knows which one to use based on the parameters you provide:

printRectanglePerimeter(5.0);   // Outputs: The perimeter of the square is: 20.0
printRectanglePerimeter();      // Outputs: No shape exists!

Practical Examples

Let’s get our hands dirty with some coding examples. Suppose you want to convert millimeters to inches:

public void millimetersToInches(double mm) {
    double inches = mm * 0.0393701;
    printInInches(mm, inches);

public void printInInches(double millimeters, double inches) {
    System.out.println(millimeters + " mm is " + inches + " inches");

If you call millimetersToInches(25.4);, it will print:

25.4 mm is 1.00000054 inches

Similarly, here’s how you’d convert miles to kilometers:

public void milesToKilometers(double miles) {
    double km = miles * 1.60934;
    printInKilometers(miles, km);

public void printInKilometers(double miles, double km) {
    System.out.println(miles + " miles is " + km + " kilometers");

A call to milesToKilometers(1); will print:

1 mile is 1.60934 kilometers

Fun with Method Tracing

Now, consider this electrifying example that shows addition and subtraction:

public class MethodTrace {
    public void add(int x, int y) {
        System.out.println(x + y);

    public void subtract(int x, int y) {
        System.out.println(x - y);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MethodTrace traceObj = new MethodTrace();
        traceObj.add(5, 3);   // Outputs: 8
        System.out.print(" and ");
        traceObj.subtract(5, 3);  // Outputs: 2

This code will output:

8 and 2

Common Questions and Practice Problems

Lastly, let’s put your skills to the test with some brain-teasers that cover various scenarios for calling void methods with parameters.

Question 1:

public void fahrenheitToCelsius(double fahrenheit) {
    double celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5.0 / 9.0);
    printInCelsius(fahrenheit, celsius);

public void printInCelsius(double fahrenheit, double celsius) {
    System.out.println(fahrenheit + "°F is " + celsius + "°C");


Answer: 32.0°F is 0.0°C

Question 2:

public void calculateVolume(int length, int width, int height) {
    int boxVolume = length * width * height;

public void printVolume(int volume) {
    System.out.println("The volume is: " + volume);

calculateVolume(2, 3, 4);

Answer: The volume is: 24

Key Terms to Remember

  • Void Method: A method that performs an action but does not return a value.
  • Parameter: An input to a method that customizes its action.
  • Overloading: Defining multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.
  • Method Signature: The name of the method along with its parameter list.

Now, go and flex your newfound programming muscles! 💪 With this knowledge, you've unlocked yet another level in Java mastery.


Great job! You now understand how to call void methods with parameters in Java, making you one step closer to becoming a code wizard. Keep practicing, and soon, you’ll be casting coding spells like a pro. 📜✨ Happy coding!

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