


String Objects: Concatenation, Literals, and More

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String Objects: Concatenation, Literals, and More - AP Computer Science A Study Guide


Hello, future coding wizards! Ready to dive into the magic world of Strings in Java? 🧙‍♂️ Strings are not just a bunch of characters thrown together; they are objects brimming with fascinating features and functionalities. So, let's unravel the mysteries of String objects, concatenation, escape characters, and various methods, all while having a bit of fun along the way!

String Basics: Objects Everywhere!

Surprise, surprise! Those string literals we toyed with in Unit 1 are actually objects. Yes, strings in Java are part of the String class, giving them an entire arsenal of methods to use. Picture them as the secret agents of coding, silent but incredibly powerful!

There are two ways to create strings:

  1. Preinitialized String: Think of these as the ready-made sandwiches in a lunchbox.

    String preInit = "Hello, I am a string!";

    This makes preInit reference the string "Hello, I am a string!" like it’s the label on its lunchbox.

  2. Constructor: This is like making a sandwich from scratch.

    String newString = new String("This is a new string");

    The constructor copies the string inside the parentheses and assigns it to newString. So, newString and the string "This is a new string" are twins but not identical.

Escape Characters: Houdini of Strings 🪄

Sometimes you need to include special characters in your strings, like quotes or newlines, but without causing Java to throw a tantrum. Enter escape characters, the Houdini of the coding world. Here are some you’ll find handy:

  • \" will print a quotation mark.
  • \\ will print a backslash.
  • \n will add a line break.

Think of these escapes as the secret codes to communicate with Java without it freaking out!

String Concatenation: String Matchmaking 💞

Sometimes, you want to combine two strings into one. Enter string concatenation, the matchmaking event of the coding world. Use the + operator, and voila! Magic happens:

"3" + "3" = "33"

Wait, you expected 6? Remember, those 3s are strings, not numbers. Hence, they stick together like long-lost pen pals.

Even if you mix types, Java is the ultimate matchmaker:

3 + "3" = "33"

Here, Java sees a string and decides, "Why not convert the integer to string and join the party?"

This works for all types: numbers, booleans, objects—you name it. If an object is involved in concatenation, its toString() method gets called to convert it to a string.

Practical Concatenation: Just Add Space 🌌

When concatenating variables, don’t forget about spaces, or you’ll end up with a mashed-together mess. Let's concatenate a name with a space in between:

String firstName = "Peter";
String lastName = "Parker";
System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName);

This will nicely print "Peter Parker" rather than "PeterParker".

Try it with your own name!

Practice Problems to Test Your Mojo 🧠

Given the shortage of jokes in school, I've peppered in some practice problems to keep you sharp:

Problem 1:

String s1 = "abc";
String s2 = "def";
s1 = s1 + s2 + "ghi";

Options: A. abcdefghi
B. abcabcdefghi
C. abc abc def ghi
D. abc def ghi
E. def ghi
Answer: A. abcdefghi

Problem 2:

String s1 = "hello";
String s2 = "world";
s1 = s1 + s2 + "!";

Options: A. hello
B. helloworld!
C. hello hello world!
D. hello world!
E. world!
Answer: B. helloworld!

Problem 3:

String s1 = "cat";
String s2 = "dog";
s1 = s1 + " " + s2 + " " + "bird";

Options: A. cat
B. catdogbird
C. cat cat dog bird
D. cat dog bird
E. dog bird
Answer: D. cat dog bird

(And several more practice problems... Let's move to the next part for brevity)

Escalated Practice Problems 🚀

Using string methods from previous guides, try these braintwisters:


String s1 = "HELLO";
s1 = s1.substring(0,2) + s1.substring(2).toLowerCase();

Options: A. HELLO
B. hello
C. HEllo
E. hEllo
Answer: C. HEllo

Coding Time: Classes and Strings 🎓

Let’s put theory into practice. Write a class to print "Hello, my name is [your name]". Here’s a sample solution:

public class GreetingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String greeting = "Hello, my name is";
        String name = "Alice";
        System.out.println(greeting + " " + name);


Hello, my name is Alice

Now, how about a haiku? 🍂

public class HaikuExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String haiku = "AP Computer Science\nA journey through code and logic\nEndless possibilities.";


AP Computer Science
A journey through code and logic
Endless possibilities.


Strings in Java are more than a sequence of characters; they are robust objects in the String class, brimming with methods ready to be explored. You can create them using pre-initialized strings or constructors, and manipulate them using methods like concat(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(), and more. Escape characters help you write special characters, and concatenation with the + operator is a handy way to combine strings or other data types.

Key Terms to Review

  • + Operator: Both an arithmetic operator for addition and a concatenation operator for strings.
  • Escape characters: Preceded by a backslash, these handle special characters like quotes or newlines.
  • Main method: The starting point of any Java program.
  • Public class: Blueprint for objects, accessible by other classes.
  • String class: Represents a sequence of characters, comes with various manipulation methods.
  • Substring(): Extracts part of a string based on given indexes.
  • System.out.println(): Prints output to the console.
  • ToLowerCase(): Converts all characters of a string to lowercase.
  • ToUpperCase(): Converts all characters of a string to uppercase.

Congratulations! You've navigated the fantastical forest of Strings in Java. May your coding journey be as smooth as a well-concatenated string! Happy Coding! 🚀

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