


Cell unit bloop notes






Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3
Boodle notes
very important
WHAT is inside A CELL
Stores cells genetic
Material (DNAKNA).

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Unit 3 Boodle notes --Cellst Example very important Vocab WHAT is inside A CELL nucleus Stores cells genetic Material (DNAKNA). Cytoplasm: fluid inside the cell that holds organelles. ribosomes: O make proteins in both Prokha nyotes & eukaryotes. Endoplasmic reticulum: ;) Where proteins & lipids! are made Va Cubles Stores water matenals. In plants, there is a large; Central vacuole that stores water. lysosome: filled with enzymes that breakdown, material within the cell. rough er-Proteins Smooth erlipids Golgi body: Packages materials for Storage & release from the cell! hydroph lipid Cyto Sheleton:( network of filaments that give eukaryotic Cells their shape. Chloroplasts: Capture energy from the sun Converts it into food. Has a green pigment Called chlorophyll. Mitochondria: Converts food into energy for the cell. Site of cellular respiration. Cell membrane: also the phospholipid hydrophic blager. Selectively Phosphate permeable- Only lets Some Substances pass. Unit 3 Doodle notes Cell Prokaryotic Eukaryotic / Parts of these 2 7objects Example Wall Capsulek Cell membrane A flagellum ex Bacteria •Arahaea ribosome Pro No nucleus •DNA is in the Cytoplasm VS. Cytoplasm Pila NDNA Vacuole Dola B golgi body ribosome SEUDO" have nucleus •DNA enclosed in nucleus •Cell membrand Cytoplas Plants yo Pribosomes Cell walls 1-Chloroplasts 11 large central, vacuole lysosome E.R. mitochondria ex: animals •Plants .fungi. • Protists nucleus Cyto plasm Cell membrane Unit 3 - Doodle notes[ Very important *always high to low Concentration. Example •Passive. movement across cell membrane without using energy. Vocab Cell Transport * always low to high concentration Low Process by which molecules area o move from a of higher Concentration to an area of lower concentration. High 60 •DIFFUSION• that requires energy. gradient low ✓ high 6 types •Active® movement of materials against a Concentration • endocytosis: Process of talking rate FACILITATED material in to the cell. & ex:osmosis diffusion of water. through a selectively permeable membrane. homeostasis a State of constant internal physi chemical conditions regulating / the movement of molecules from one side of the membrane to the other. tonico Forcing Contents out of The cell. Why ?! Chyper • Solute outside cell • Water inside cell •Water moves out! Cell Shrinks Phypotonico • Solute inside cell when molecules cannot directly diffuse o exocytosis:...

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Alternative transcript:

• ↑ Water outside cell across the membrane have to pass through special Carriers us chanel Proteins out of O •Water moves IN! *Cell Swells SAMARA •Isotonic. •= Solute 。= Water •no net movement * Cell is normal H₂0 H₂0 #₂0 Robert Hoo he: Using an early microscope he Observed a thin slice of Cork, a Plant material. He saw thousands of tiny emty Chambers. He called them "Cells" because they reminded him of a Monasterys tiny rooms. Anton Van Leewen hoek: Was the first to observe living organisms (micro), He called them "animalcules' Dental Scrapings. Mattheis Schleiden:/ A german botanist that conducted that all plants are composed of cells & all organisms are compressed of One or more cells. cell theory A mmm. Scientists that Contributed to the Cell Theory. Theodor Schwann: year after shleiden, he Concluded all animal tissues were Composed of cells. Shwann & Schleiden Concluded that cells are the basic Rudolph Virchow: units of life. A german physician that published The idea that new cells are produced ( from the division of pre-existing) Cells. 2.ALL living organisms are composed of one or more. cells. 2. THE Cell is the basic) unit of life.) Vocab Ivery importing oo. Example HOW DID the invention of the Microscope Contribute to the Cell Theory. • Unit 3.1 Doodle Notes Without the invention of the microscope scientists Wouldn't have been able to observere Cells & Come up with this theory. 3008 Draw what you think Hoone observed Draw what schleiden observed Draw what Sch wann observed KO 3. CELLS are produced from other Cells. Unit: Doodle notes e Excumple very important •a well-Substantiated explanation aspects of the natural world. an explanation EN Meat ex: •Theory of Evolution • Big Bang Theory • Cell Theory Theory of Spontaneous generation Vocab Scientific theory Wheat grain Living Creatures could arise from non- living matter. o Maggots rain mice Some VS Spontaneous Generation NSI Biogenesis 3 Worms 83 Scientific Law describes some aspects of the natural world. an observation • mathematical equation 0 note: - Tex:Law of conservation • better evidence. However, theories Newtons Law of motion into a law with new or ∙a theory does not change. 1. Newtons Law of Gravity •Law of cosmic expansion lans can be changed with new evidence.. Bio - life genesis-beginning • Making new living things. The theory that living things only come from other living things through reproduction. Dhit 3 Doodle notes ● 0 Microscopes.• a Light? Microscopes Compound (light) high power 2D image Disseting Lo low power 3D image Electron Microscopes T.E.M. (Transmission) • high power. 02D image S.E.M. (Scanning) low power • 3D image